Neurologist in Aurangabad
Our Neuro Spine team includes world-renowned Neurosurgeons and Neurologist in Aurangabad, as well as allied specialists and rehabilitation specialists. A multidisciplinary approach also ensures that patients have access to the most up-to-date techniques for spine treatment, which are in line with worldwide standards. In Our Team we have the best Brain and Spine surgeon in Aurangabad
Life Multispecialty Hospital and Trauma Centre’s Neuro Spine Surgery department has state-of-the-art, fully integrated operating rooms (OR), including a Hybrid OR for Interventional Spine Surgery. In addition, we offer a specialist ICU for spine surgery, 24-hour emergency care, and Day Care Spine Surgery facilities. In addition, our Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre offers conservative and post-operative spinal disease management.

Why Life Hospital?
Life Hospital’s Spine Care specialists have extensive experience diagnosing and treating spine issues, bringing together renowned experts in neurosurgery, neurologist, orthopaedic surgery, and other specialties to provide the most effective treatment plan tailored to each patient’s specific needs. For a variety of orthopaedical and neurological problems affecting the spine and spinal cord, the Spine Care team performs therapies customized to each patient’s needs, including minimally invasive, pain-relieving, recovery-accelerating procedures. The Life Hospital Spine Care unit is one of the best in the city, with world-renowned experience, cutting-edge equipment, scientifically-backed treatment, and a track record of successful difficult spine surgery cases.
Life Hospital’s neurosurgery department is one of the city’s most experienced and extensive, caring for patients from all over the country. Neurosurgeons in Aurangabad at Life Hospitals are among the best in Aurangabad.
Neurosurgery, sometimes known as brain surgery, is the surgical correction of anomalies in the brain or its surrounding tissues, such as tumors or aneurysms. It’s a life-saving treatment that’s carried out by skilled neurosurgeons in a highly specialized setting.
A neurologist is a medical specialist that specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing brain and nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), concussion, epilepsy, migraine, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke, among others.
Complications are a possibility with any procedure. These problems (if they occur) can be exceedingly significant when surgery is performed near the spine and spinal cord. Complications could include pain and damage in the future, as well as the need for more surgery.
After surgery, you will most likely be exhausted for several weeks. You may also get headaches or difficulty concentrating. Surgery recovery can take anything from 4 to 8 weeks. After surgery, your wounds (incisions) may be uncomfortable for up to 5 days.
You may need to stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days; if you have spinal fusion, you may need to stay longer. It is critical to get some rest. Doctors, on the other hand, want you out of bed as soon as possible. Within 24 hours, the majority of patients begin physical therapy.